If you really care about the future of live music, you need to get behind the events taking place in Newcastle over the next month.
Now isn’t the time for petty, subjective criticism.
We have an outdoor event, able to house 2500 people in accordance with government guidelines
I get that it might ‘look weird’ or be your ‘idea of hell’ but get this; there may be no workforce left by the time we have a vaccine for COVID and large scale events are able to return to our fields. The whole supply chain is at a critical breaking point
I’m all for freedom of speech but in this instance, if you have a weighty social media presence and you don’t like the look of these gigs, keep it to yourself please. The job has become impossible enough without the added weight of this negativity.
And before you let your mouth go about the horrors of having to watch a show from a pen or a platform, maybe take a moment to think of those who rely on using a viewing platform when they come to show.
And wind your fucking neck in.
Plus, if it’s good enough for Big Al’s 50th, then it’s good enough for you!

Happy Birthday @alanshearer
and best of luck for tonight @samfendermusic and @SSDConcerts
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