Everyone may not be nice but there's something nice in everyone. Never keep a fixed image for everyone, because people act differently with different people.
Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. Surround yourself with good people who make you feel great and give you positive energy.
In life you will realize that there're times bad things happen to very good people and sometimes good things happen to bad people. Such a situation shouldn't dampen your spirit to do good.
Never regret knowing someone. Good people will give you happiness, bad people will give you lessons and best people will give you memories. God doesn't bring the people you want in your life, but the people you need.
Some people are there to test you, some people will use you, some will teach you and some will bring the best in you. Trust in God and appreciate everyone who is into your life. As always don't harbour hate in your heart, it does you no good.
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