Much as predicted, A-level results day is a mess. I don't know who needs to hear this, but if it's you: your value is not determined by the grades you get. You did amazingly by just managing to get through one of the most difficult teaching years any of us have experienced.
A-levels are just one way to predict someone’s future performance, but they don’t necessarily map onto academic ability. They’re a crude index at best – and at worst, fail to distinguish the students who will thrive in a university environment from those that won’t
I got pretty terrible A-levels. I went to my second choice uni, graduated with a First, did an MA, have a PhD and am now a lecturer. Degree study is so different from A-levels; please don't get disheartened at being given grades that don't reflect your capabilities
If you are distressed about your A-level results and go to uni, please talk to your lecturers. We know that this is a colossal, deeply unfair mess, and we will do our best to support you
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