thanks to @Norseman_soul I spent my shower this morning imagining the scene in the Peter Parker High School teacher spider-man movie I now realise should become a thing where "Mr P." eats his lunch in the kids cafeteria because he is of the people.
OK so I think I have a general premise for the film now because this is the least panicked day at work for a week so been able to muse on it more.
Peter Parker is in his mid-late 20s and for the first time ever has sort of a handle on his life. After failed tech/lab jobs he is holding down being a school teacher and is enjoying the ability to positively impact folks lives not as Spider-man
every friend of his thinks the brilliant screwball mess he has been since he was a teen has calmed down. Which makes it surprising that his on and off relationship with Mary-Jane seems to be off permenantly now.
Wouldn't be surprising if you knew Peter's highschool sweetheart was murdered in front of him by his best friend's dad because of his being Spider-man. If you knew that Peter's got better than expected intimacy, of course no one knows this
Anyway, the crisis will be Norman Osborne escaping, forming the sinister six and the good thing Pete has going crashing down around him and the blame Pete puts on himself for it
This will also involve Mary-Jane finding out Pete is spidey because to protect her he needs to warn her and thus a lesson about how trust is important in relationships. Pete's life ends a mess, but he has someone in his corner now.
Flashbacks will be done mostly via Pete talking to Bruce the gargoyle about things that happened in the past and Pete's internal monologue as source material respecting framing mechanisms.

Also blame @Norseman_soul for this thread. He is a monster
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