I found this set of print ads for Africanpure CBD oil interesting for a very specific reason. The ads, by South African agency Canvas uses funny headlines that refer to situations that may cause anxiety. Not in humans, but in dogs... this is something you realize fully—you 1/3
2/3 get an inkling, though, in some headlines—when you read the copy at the bottom. The interesting part is that the headline directly talks to the pets, while the copy below talks to the owners :)
I had to Google what CBD oil is first, though! Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a product
3/3 that's derived from cannabis. It's a type of cannabinoid, which are the chemicals found in marijuana plants. Though it's from marijuana plants, CBD doesn't create a “high” or intoxication — that's caused by another cannabinoid, known as THC. Source: https://bit.ly/31AFyLP 
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