So, they’ve managed it -COVID IS NO LONGER A THREAT.
Oh not medically of course – it’s still extremely dangerous to the nation’s health, but it’s no longer a threat to this appalling excuse for a govt; they’ve managed to change the narrative. 1/
By a change in the way cause of death is established, they are now claiming the numbers were ‘much smaller’ than have been presented by a ‘hysterical’ media, & they belittle the statistics with constant repetition of ‘You can be counted as died of Covid even if you’ve been hit 2/
by a bus.’
Additionally, apparently right *now*, 100s more people are dying of ‘flu’ & ‘pneumonia’ than Covid each *week*, so what’s all the fuss about?
Whether these new ‘facts’ are true or not is irrelevant. Anti maskers, anti vaxers, pro ‘get back to work’ers 3/
& slavish Tory supporters have been given the green light to mock those who have watched aghast as the govt’s incompetence has enabled the virus to ravage the country.
Stand by for ‘More chance of being killed by a bus/flu/pneumonia’, ‘fake news’ when numbers rise, or 4/
when yet more govt cock ups come too light.
Chuck in the dead cats of the ‘migrant invasion’ & school exam results, & the aim has been achieved-Covid is just an irritant that can pretty much be ignored. Back to school, back to work, back to the pub. Just keep your eye open for 5/
/ a passing bus.
Oh & by the way, Brexit’s no big deal either. We don’t even need to know what’s going on there.
It’s all in hand
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