This is the last time I'm talking about this then believe what you're ant to believe.

Blue: 1km distance from Mar Mikhael to Port

Red Circle: Approx location of the boat in the next tweet.
TW// Explosion

In this video you clearly see AND hear the sound of the roaring fire getting louder, especially after the first explosion. This is what it looks and sounds like from a clear view at sea. Now imagine hearing this even closer from Mar Mikhael with no view.
Since you can't see the smoke or even know there's an ongoing fire, but you hear the sound of this video or even louder, then your first instinct would be war planes. This is actually fireworks, and other chemicals rapidly burning.
If you've seen a large scale wild fire before from a distance, you'd know how loud they can be. If you compare burning firewood to compressed would, you'd see how compressed would sounds like a jet engine is starting when burning.
In other words, some materials make incredibly loud sounds when burning, and I've witnessed this first hand. Just try it for yourself, go burn some compressed wood and see how loud it gets. Now imagine ammonium nitrate and other chemicals burning in a compressed space.
The structure and material of the dock also plays a role in why it sounds this way. Now look how far this video was, further than MK, yet the sound of "jets" is clear too. That's how intense the burning was mixed with fireworks. 23 tons.
Now here is an airstrike in Gaza from last night. No sound owf planes, missile heard before impact.
War planes do not fly over their target when conducting an airstrike, that's not how they work, so the idea of a war plane boming the port from right above it is out of the question. They especially don't fly at such low altitude for you to hear them when attacking
Could people have seen a commercial plane? Possibly, the airport is 6 miles away. The army has air radars, as well as others such as the US Embassy, meaning any air traffic would have most likely been registered and everyone would have spotted planes.
Majority of the people who believe they saw or heard planes were in MK, no vision, no clue of what was burning. So, psychologically, your mind tries to make sense of everything, and already living in trauma because of Israeli planes, you hallucinate and believe it was planes.
Here's a video before the first explosion from right next to the warehouse, clear as day there was a fire burning before any explosion.
It's makes a lot of sense that people believe they saw or heard a war plane. Again, this goes back to psychological trauma, however in this incident that's not the case, but that's the only way your brain makes sense out of it, post trauma.
There are also a lot of political factors I won't dig into that make even more sense why there wouldn't be any warplanes above Beirut at the time of the explosion. Not to mention none of it is on footage either. If planes were THAT low and loud, they'd be seen all over Beirut.
Long story short, if you believe it was planes, I'll let you believe that because that's a result of PTSD, but if you're making up conspiracy theories, the fact of the matter is you heard burning and fireworks, no planes, and whatever you think you saw could be a hallucination.
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