In book 1 she looks ready to be thrown into action. She wants to be part of the fight. She’s been sidelined so much, and she has something to prove. Not to just the world but also to herself. She’s angry, she’s exhausted, and she’s hungry for more and more and more
She isn’t the chosen one but she makes herself the chosen one. Cover 1 is action. It’s stepping up, it’s moving forward and far, far away from her little home to Sinegard, to become a warrior, to become destruction.
Book two is so different. Yeah it’s the colour of the Dragon Province, but it’s also quite rightly setting the mood for the book. She’s grappling with who she is. She’s exhausted and tired and floating—only existing (I’m only on page 271 so take this with a grain of salt?).
She’s resigned to her fate. Commander? Fine. Pawn? Great. Tossed between two political rivals but with finally a chance to take a breath, to no longer make decisions, is all she could ask for. Because she’s crumbling, slowly, held together by the commands she
adheres to and the chance that she’s doing something—/anything/ good. so lost with no hope to guide her, no drive to prove herself, cuz she did already. She proved who she was and she didn’t like that person. So what else is left right? She thinks she’s so far past saving herself
there isn’t even a point in trying.
it’s a vicious calm that’ll drive her mad with sadness. and, I predict, will break her even more as I finish this book.
anyway I’ve been thinking about this cover all day long and I’m fine :) absolutely fine :) 110% fine :) :) :)
oh and, see the way she holds the bow in the first pic and the way she’s about to let go of the tail in the second ahahaha just a wee bit of symbolism there lol surely nothing that can hurt me
how the Phoenix is flying behind her. how the dragon is guiding her weapon. how her eyebrows are pulled together, how they’re not even moving. how the flame of the Phoenix illuminates her, how the dragon pulls her every which way. :):):):):):):):) it’s. Fine.
I literally talked my mum’s ear off about this to the point that she had to say “you’re making an international call for what? describing what a book I don’t even know about looks like? I’m ur mother.”
did u think this was the end of me talking about these covers because no I’m gonna talk about this in my review to🤙🏽
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