Why Sugawara Koushi belongs in Slytherin, a thread.
If you are not an avid fan of Harry Potter there’s a big chance that you think that Slytherin are the house of bad people or mean people. How Slytherin was portrayed and perceived by the media is incredibly inaccurate and has led to so many misconceptions.
So before anything else lets talk about Slytherin. Now in general, Slytherin only accept those whose "ancestry are purest" which means purebloods, but hp fandom likes to believe that this idea has been abolished after the war with you-know-who
So according to 1991 sorting hat song Slytherin is the house for those are cunning and would use any means to achieve their end. (This passage can be seen in HP and the Philosopher's stone)
And according to 1994 sorting hat song its also the house for those with great ambition. (This is from Goblet of Fire)
In pottermore (the beloved hp website where you can get sorted and stuff) Slytherin's 3 most valuable traits are Pride, Ambition, and Cunning.
So in conclusion, Slytherin is the house of the ambitious, prideful, and cunning. People who get sorted into these house are people who have goals and will do anything to achieve whatever their goal is.
Now lets talk about Sugawara Koushi.
Canonically, Suga is a hardworking student who is also one of the most reliable members of Karasuno. Though he was a 3rd year, his position as the setter was taken by the 1st year genuis, Kageyama. You've seen the anime, you've read the manga, you know this basic shit alreadly.
Lets talk about Suga as ambitious. Ambitious means having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed. One of the biggest plot in Haikyuu is their determination to get to Nationals and the 3rd years was for Karasuno to get strong again. To be recognized again.
When Suga (along with Daichi and Asahi) joined Karasuno, the "glory" days of Karasuno was over and their were slowly becoming the underdogs. The Karasuno that they joined wasnt the Karasuno they knew. Still the 3 of them (lead by Daichi) were determined to do well.
By their 3rd year, their desire to prove Karasuno's worth has not wavered nor has disappeared if anything it made them more determined to achieve it. Suga along with the 2 other 3rd years were ambitious.
In philosopher's stone the sorting hat said that slytherin is where "cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends" Suga telling coach Ukai that his feelings wont be hurt if Kageyama takes his place.
Suga is very much aware of the big difference between his and Kageyama's skill. He, however recognized, that in order for them to reach their goal Kageyama's superb skills was what will be needed. I feel like this is the most defining argument for why he belongs in slytherin.
Suga in all sense knew whats needed to be done in order to bring his team to success and Slytherin would do anything to reach their goal. Suga giving up his position for Kags shows how determined he is to get to Nationals and bring glory to the team.
Another point to this is tho he's the reserved setter this did not stop him from improving and working on his skill. He still see him work just as hard as the other members. We see him use his time at the sidelines to get a better understanding of whats happening in the court.
In continuation to the previous tweet, Suga is cunning. He was quite unknown by their opponents so when he is put in court they dont know what to expect and so he takes advantage of this. He uses this to gain points for his team.
An example of this is their 1st official match agaisnt seijoh where Suga replaced Kageyama. As soon as he entered he was able to gain points. In season 1 episode 21 (Senpai's true abilities) we get too see just how cunning Suga can be.
One example is when he used his height as a way to decieve the Iwaizumi. He knew that they would aim for him seeing as he was the shorter one, he cunningly switched places with Tsukki so he'll be the one to block the spike instead.
Another example was telling hinata how to best block Mattsun.
Even Oikawa said that Sugawara was an unknown force but the words "serious" and "methodical" comes to mind.
In the manga, even Seijoh's coach found Suga to be smart and a bit of a threat.
the past few tweets were to prove that tho Suga has not been playing he did not laze around, instead he took advantage of his situations and made use of it to gain better insight and understand their team and opponents better.
prev tweets screams slytherin, like seriously, Slytherin would do anything, take advantage of situations for their betterment and for their growth, anything to help them reach their goal because they are ambitious and determined.
Lets talk about the plays that Suga was part of or basically planned out.
The Synchronized Attack. During the training arc, he was one of the people seen to be focusing on this play specifically, it is safe to assume that Suga played an important role into developing this play. A play that lead them to nationals (aka their winning point against shira)
Suga is also known for his clever serve. A serve were he aims for a specific player so the player wont be able to attack. He used this tactic on Seijoh, he was able to gain 2 points because of this.
The fact that he is able to aim with his serve is a great talent as it is but knowing who to aim is a big show of how smart and tactical he is as a volleyball player.
Now the biggest thing about why Suga is usually placed in another house (cough hufflepuff cough) is because the fandom as made him into this "team mom" which painted him as a soft and sweet character. Tho he is responsible and is seen to be a great support to the team-
we should not disregard the fact that he is also a chaotic character. A great example of this is when Daichi was scolding Hinata for joining the training for 1st year in shiratorizawa and suga applauded him instead of scolding him.
Even Daichi in season 4 said he doesnt trust Suga to take charge because he'll make things worse. (here's the anime and manga version of the convo)
Also this very cute pouting suga because he's babie how can you turn this character into anything less than chaotic seriously??
Last but not the least Suga's telling Kageyama to give recognition to him is very Slytherin trait. I dont know about you guys but thats prideful as fuck. (also that you're too cunning, oh who are cunning again? thats right, slytherins.)
So lets wrap up this incredibly long and random thread. Suga is has all the qualities that Slytherin upholds. He is cunning, he is ambitious, he is prideful. He would definitely belong in Slytherin. Also, check my icon, he looks good in green.
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