Until we don't remove all the impediments of religious criticism legally we will never see societal growth. I repeat it again, Islam needs to be brutally criticised. Each and every idea and claim needs to be scrutinized.
We create too many bottlenecks to criticize religion. Also, the one thing the Bengaluru violence has proven is the mob is strong until the police doesn't respond with bullets. The state should respond with full force everytime a mob attacks state property.
Every citizen in India needs to get this thing drilled into their thick skull. Especially ultra religious people like Islamists:
1. Your religion will be criticized
2. Your Prophet isn't beyond scrutiny. (No one is beyond scrutiny. It could be a Hindu king or God too.)
3. Mob rule will not be tolerated. Mobs will be and should be shot at. You cannot burn down public property and get away with it. I don't care about the religion of the mob, if you attack you'll be responded disproportionately.
The time has come to remove shit laws like 295A, 153A etc. They protect criticism of bad ideas. And religion is the mother load of bad ideas. We need to criricize the living day lights out of it. Religious people have had too much fun in India. Especially Islam, and I'm fed up.
Some aren't used to the idea of their God, holy book or Prophet being questioned. Well too bad, they better get used to it. Because if they think they can kill everyone who does it they have forgotten the state will respond in kind. So get used to your religion being questioned.
Also, only when we question these things does it become normal. You have to normalize certain things. When done again and again people eventually get used to it. Yes now they resist because they have the standard of the past where they had the violent veto. Change that standard.
The recent change is how the Bengaluru police responded. And that is how it should everytime. Yes lives will be lost in this normalization process. But it has to happen because that is how it always happens. That is the price we pay for freedom.
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