There is not enough time left on the clock of this earth for us to revel in fairytales or purist politics. All we have time for is to tell the truth in all of its complexity, about the time we are living in and the options available to us to survive.

It is possible to...
simultaneously celebrate the historic breakthrough of Kamala Harris as the first Black woman and South Asian woman - the first woman of color - to be a VP candidate, while acknowledging that she, like Biden, is a centrist who has backed policies that resulted in the unjust...
incarceration of mostly Black and Brown people. It is possible to admire her toughness and her take-down of Biden in the debates while also being real about how hard we will likely need to push her and Biden to act boldly and strongly to address climate change, racial & gender...
injustice, and other issues.

It is possible to not be completely values-aligned with the Biden-Harris ticket but to fight like our lives depended on it (which our lives in fact do) to help them win because we are strategic enough to know that pushing a centrist administration..
will give us a better shot at survival than fighting a fascist one.

We must fight to help them win, we must fight like hell to hold them accountable, and just as importantly we must continue the long-term work of building the grassroots organizing and political power...
that will enable even better choices in the future & ultimately the liberation of all people.
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