Whatever, I’ll vote for the dem ticket (I live in SC, so my vote is worthless) but you’re not about to co-opt me into convincing other indigenous folks who have enfranchisement (we don’t live in a democracy) to vote for a ticket that sees indigenous rights as negotiable.
You want to stop Climate Catastrophe? Invest in indigenous communities here and abroad. We know how to handle this shit so get off your high horse and make us decision makers in your policy processes.
This is Round 2 of the Dem party trying to convince me to advocate for them in my community and beyond. How the hell are you expecting me to leverage my good relations for your electoral wins when our sovereign rights are low enough on your priority list to be negotiable.
You can make a promise and renig on it cause of settler privilege. At the end of the day it’s your surrogates in Indian Co, who have to deal with the devastating question “You told me to vote for someone who doesn’t care about us”
You can’t be for unilateral resource extraction projects and be for indigenous communities. It’s not a square peg you can fit into a round hole.
Will we make a difference in electoral politics? Probably not in almost every state. But maybe moral leadership is about more than stacking up vote tallies.
HEY SETTLERS: before you come in here saying that he is an improvement over Trump, check yourself. “Better than a literal fascist” is simply not sufficient. How demeaning to think it is.
Also, please no one come in here and tell me that my vote "isn't worthless". I know and you know that I can push that button SO FUCKING HARD and have absolutely no effect on the outcome of SC's electoral college vote.
Yeah, I'm fucking pessimistic. Get the fuck over it and extend the enfranchisement to tribal nations.
Also, a piece of paper saying we have the right to vote does not mean we can vote.
"If you just drive to the poll you can vote"
Y'all don't fucking know us. For many tribes, a visit to the poll is a literal FULL DAY DRIVE. "Democracy" my gay ass.
"Oh, Mr. Manager I'd like to take the entire day off to go and vote for Mr. Biden. I've heard he is better than Trump"
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