📚 describing virgo rising through the houses 📚 (a thread)
♍︎ 1H: Virgo Risings are gifted and cursed with noticing everything. They're known to be high observant, but can also be overly nit-picky with their surroundings. They have sharp senses to make their reality practical, optimal and efficient.
♎︎ 2H: Virgo Risings are often the type to spend money on their loved ones, often wanting items that strengthen or reflect the strong relationships they have. They find that true security lies in having strong connections and being liked by others.
♏︎ 3H: Virgo Risings grew up in a local environment that felt harsh. They saw their early environment as an opportunity to test their observation skills and to apply what they thought was efficient in a hostile environment. They didn't spend their time distracting themselves.
♐︎ 4H: Virgo Risings grew up in a family environment that had freedom. However, they may have felt that their family environment wasn't unified enough, often feeling rootless and distant when it came to family matters. They may not tie themselves too tightly to their past.
♑︎ 5H: Virgo Risings often enjoy hobbies that help improve themselves. They are often competitive in what they enjoy, looking to master what they love. When it comes to children, they want to raise their kids with discipline so that they're ready for the unknown world.
♒︎ 6H: Virgo Risings are more likely to be aloof and distant from their coworkers while trying to create the most successful work environment possible for everyone. They often have creative ideas but can be hard to connect with.
♓︎ 7H: In relationships, Virgo Risings highly value a person who can make sacrifices for others for they see commitment as a strength. However, they can be annoyed by people who do not know how to establish clarity and practical honesty in their relationships.
♈︎ 8H: When it comes to dealing with obligations, Virgo Risings negotiate for the sake of being independent. They are often quite combative and straightforward with obligations, for they know that being unclear with their boundaries can screw them over in the future.
♉︎ 9H: Virgo Risings are good at holding onto their beliefs. It takes time for them to really accept certain beliefs and worldviews, and they're good at committing. However, they can often be stubborn and can be reluctant to see other sides if they're already set on their own.
♊︎ 10H: Virgo Risings aspire to be individuals who can communicate clearly, and can learn easily from others. They may like to take on careers that have to do with handling information and giving a voice to others. They value storytelling and like to use words playfully!
♋︎ 11H: Virgo Risings are known as the "mom friend," and will often be emotionally attentive and nurturing to their friends. They often don't expand their friend circle often and treat their friendships and groups like a second home.
♌︎ 12H: Virgo Risings are modest, but they lowkey do crave to be recognized and validated. They can get resentful when people don't notice their attentive efforts, but can also get shy and nervous when people do acknowledge their work.
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