For those of you who think teachers don’t want to go to school so they can sit home and get paid, let me enlighten you

I teach high school Math. Quadratics, Trigonometry, Data, Sinusodial functions, radicals etc

It’s not easy to teach that online

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One 70 minute in-class Math lesson takes me up to three hours to outline, video, narrate and upload. That’s 45 hours per week just for the lesson. Then there’s preparing worksheets, quizzes, tests, marking it all and answering questions during online office hours
And don’t get me started on parents venting and blaming us for everything

So, no. We don’t like online teaching. It’s more than double the work. But we also don’t like dying. So if it means keeping ourselves, our families and our students safe then we will do it.
So next time someone says that teachers should shut up and go to work, educate them and then tell them to take their “tax dollars” and shove it up their entitled rear end
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