idk if this can get 20 likes but I'm coping so let's fucking gooooooo
1: Prospit :)
3. Witch of Hope!
4. I started reading in February of 2012, around the time of Mindfang's Journal. The first page I saw was His Honorable Tyranny.
5. I haven't made any yet, but I'm very slowly and unprofessionally working on a story for a fan comic.

It's been like 3 years!

I'm a disaster!
6. Azacar Glosug. They make a living as a professional FLARP Clouder. Their hive's walls are covered with purrbeast memes and what they *swear* are *politically ironic* pinups of Muscular Fleet Babes.

They have a custom icosahedral computer, designed to work with their psionics.
7. This is Brenia Tipore, Heir of Space. She lives in trash, kills fash, and (purportedly) eats ass.

She lives in a commune in a junk yard, and spends most of her time gathering, selling, and building with scrap.

She does NOT participate in illegal underground (low)bloodsports.
8. Anne Guerra, Witch of Light. She's a freelance engineer; a voider of warranties, a souper-up of cars, and a violater of OSHA regulations.

She's deep into drones, robotics, AI, and cybernetics, and she considers herself a Cyber Punk™ and a connoisseur of Hardware Gore memes.
9. God, fuck, I love Remem8er Her.
10. Moonsetter!!! Sometimes I listen to the extended version on YouTube and just dissociate with a dumb little smile on my face. It probably looks like I'm high - and you'd be right. High on Toby Fox's Sweet Strider Sounds.
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