We are so quick to discredit anyone who has an opposing viewpoint and quick to share every post of someone who shares our views. Why does everything have to be a you’re wrong, I’m right? Do we go research the information we are sharing? Do we know that what we are sharing is...
... the whole picture, or even true at all? What ever happened to discussion. Instead of hearing someone out, we chose not to listen, and talk talk talk. Discussions are what lead to solutions. Respect for one another and the understanding that not...
... everyone thinks the same or feels the same about certain issues. AND THATS OKAY! What happened to valuing and appreciating the individual? It’s become my way or nothing for most of us, and it’s a very scary thing. Who wins when we are divided? Better...
... yet, who has the most to lose? You put 3 people in any room, 2 of them are going to be angry about something, and the other will not be paying attention. We are people, we are important, we need to love each other and rally behind each other to make...
... this world a better place. #realtalk #Showerthoughts #itiswhatitis
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