🌹 air signs (gemini, libra, aquarius)

a lot of you have issues with control and it’s making being patient & waiting for what you are praying for feel like a struggle. work on releasing your control over to the universe because what you want/ are praying for is going to come
so much quicker if you are patient & let it come when it is supposed to come. What is meant for you will always find it’s way to you but sometimes we delay the process of it entering our lives when we get impatient & try to control things.
that’s why you should take a step back and allow what is unfolding in your life to unfold because i’m really seeing if you truly take a step back from what you are trying to control in your life things will start to fall in place in a way you might not be expecting but it will be
better than your expectations! You will also see positive changes starting to manifest into your life. Some of you are already experiencing this happening & others are still going through a tough time but keep your head up because things will be turning around for youđź’—
Spirit is definitely saying that all you are asking for is coming to fruition behind the scenes but before it can manifest into reality you need to work on trusting the universe so you can surrender/let go of your control issues.
side note: I just want to reiterate this message but be patient air signs these good things will be worth the wait
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