Recently, I was recommended to go through Mac Miller’s discography by Saint Rap, and so I decided to listen to every Mac Miller album from Watching Movies With The Sound Off to Circles. This thread details my retrospective on the experience.
Watching Movies With The Sound Off was the first album that I listened to, and my god was it fantastic. The emotion that this project gives off is beautiful, it really helps to envelop you in the darker mindset that Mac had at the time, and the production only furthers this.
Mac’s vocals a lot of the time are dejected, and really feel hopeless, with songs like “Remember” being perfect examples of this. This was a ten on first listen, and going back to this project for this review, still remains one of Mac’s most stunning efforts.
3 best tracks here are “The Star Room”, “Suplexes Inside of Complexes and Duplexes”, and “Youforia”. 10/10.
After listening to WMWTSO, I didn’t expect to be wowed as quickly as I was with Faces. This album’s production is much jazzier, and Mac just glides over this fantastic production. Again, this album embraces a slightly more sad tone, with songs like “Funeral”.
“Grand Finale” is the standout of this project. Mac had thought that this was the last project he’d ever create, as a result of his addiction. He poured all of his emotion to create an emotionally dense and beautiful closer.
3 best tracks here are “It Just Doesn’t Matter”, “Diablo”, and “Grand Finale”. 10/10.
GO:OD AM is a shift in style for Mac, with both the production taking a notable shift and the tone being a little less dejected. This album is so much fun, and songs like ”100 Grandkids” are a perfect example of the tone of this album.
I don’t think this album is exactly a masterpiece, but it’s still a fantastic album, and shouldn’t be ignored within Mac’s discography.
3 best tracks here are “100 Grandkids”, “Perfect Circle / Godspeed”, and “ROS”. 9/10.
The Divine Feminine is a very different sort of album for Mac. It’s a very romantic album, and Mac’s production and bars talk about both his sex addiction and the immense love he has for his significant other.
Of course, this album is a beautiful showcase of these feelings, and certain songs here are some of Mac’s best material. “Congratulations” is a stunning tone setter, with Mac laying bars over this smooth as hell piano.
3 best tracks here are “Congratulations”, “Dang!”, and “Soulmate”. 9/10.
I had heard Swimming in passing before, and thought it was a good record. I was excited to revisit the album, to see if my thoughts on this album might shift. I was not prepared for the experience I would have with this absolute masterpiece of an album.
The production on this album is so perfect it blows me away, perfectly conveying the raw emotion on this album. Songs like “What’s The Use?” are head bobbing and groovy, and Mac’s just kinda floats on top of these beats.
Meanwhile, songs like “Wings”, “2009”, and “Conversations Pt. 1” are much sadder, and the production being very minimal to allow for Mac’s vocals to come through definitely helps the songs. The end to this album, “So It Goes”, is a near-perfect song and one of Mac’s best.
3 best tracks here are “What’s The Use?”, “Small Worlds”, and “So It Goes”. 10/10.
I saved this album for the end, since it is the latest and final work in Mac’s discog. A companion piece to Swimming, the tone of this album is heavenly and very light. The lyrics make you feel like Mac was predictive of his death.
Songs like the title track are semi-bare and very light on the instrumentation, making way for Mac’s soft vocals. When I heard this project, by the halfway mark, I was already tearing up: I was bawling by the end.
It feels like Mac is talking to you from Heaven, comforting you and telling you that everything is going to be okay. This album is easily the most stunning posthumous album I’ve ever heard, and is only another showcase of Mac’s diversity.
Three best tracks here are “Blue World”, “Hand Me Downs”, and “Surf”. 10/10.
To finish off this thread, I’d first like to thank Saint for recommending this to me, I wouldn’t be doing this without you. Now, onto Mac. I’ve gained a new appreciation for Mac Miller and the absolute genius of his material and variety within his discog.
The amount of talent that this man had was insane, and it’s a tragedy we lost him. But at this point, the best thing we can do is appreciate and marvel at the work he created. If you’ve gotten this far into the thread, thank you for reading the thread.
PS - Thanks to @Sa1ntRap of course, go give him a follow, he’s kinda th reason why this thread exists
You can follow @StanTakes.
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