˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ alters as pic crews!
hello! i will start this thread by saying the majority of the pic crew photos were made by either me (lark) or kyle (a protector in the system) but they were all approved by each alter that they are made to resemble!
hi! my name is lark and i am the host of the system! i am the one who identifies with this body. i am 14 and use he/him pronouns as i am trans! i’m also queer. so ya, i think that’s all of the important stuff!
here’s sally! she’s a caregiver in the system! also one of the first alters to make themselves known. she’s 23, a lesbian, and her pronouns are she/her.
(this is the pic crew that sally made of herself)
here’s kyle! he is a protector in the system and is dating the other protector, juniper. he is 17, a “raging homosexual,” loves coffee, and his pronouns are he/him.
here’s mavi! we aren’t quite sure how old she is, but we believe she is somewhere between late 60s to early 70s. she is a gate keeper and internal self helper. her pronouns are she/her.
couldn’t quite get their pic crew right (especially because their hair is pretty much white) but this is ofelia! they are a non human alter as they are fae. they also don’t identify with a gender or age so they use they/them pronouns. they’re incredibly beautiful and ethereal!
ed. our persecutor. someone i’ve grown to almost be friendly with. perhaps it’s his toxicity. somewhere between a shadow and a demon he’s extremely interesting. his pronouns are he/him and he doesn’t have an age, he often just presents as a teen.
now, we have three fictives, all from harry potter bc that was used as a hyperfixiation and coping mechanism during some trauma in 2018-2019.
here’s draco. he presents as fifth year draco and has attributions from both the book and film.
here’s hermione, also presenting as she did in fifth year with attributes from the book and film.
now harry, also presenting as he did in fifth year and having attributes from the book and film.
ok, that’s all of the fictives, back to the rest of the alters.
here’s juniper! he’s a protector in the system and is in a relationship with kyle. he is also gay and his pronouns are he/him.
the few alters that are left are either littles or just didn’t want to be part of this twitter page so they asked not to be included in this thread!! if more alters form (which there’s enough chaos so personally i hope they don’t) then they will be added (with consent) ^-^
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