A whole lot of folks are using #SaveOurChildren to talk about child sex trafficking, praising Trump’s (fictional) actions and saying it needs more focus than COVID.

I survived sex trafficking. Don’t pretend you care for political points. #YouDidntSaveMe
I will believe you care when you do instead of just talk.

I will believe your org gives a damn if you pass the mic to survivors. Don’t speaking about us as if you speak for us.

I will believe you care about #SaveOurChildren when you aren’t making it about Trump or COVID.
I didn’t go through the hell of being sold to adult men to be raped again and again to be treated as your trendy hashtag but not an actual person.
Oh? You want to show me an EO that promises things already in place and that is lots of words but little fulfillment?

If you want to talk about Trump and trafficking, let’s start with the child trafficking he has created with family separation and poor tracking of the children.
And to be clear:
White men in the suburbs.

That’s who bought and sold me.

White men. Suburbs.

Sooooooo NOPE to the racism (and the racist in chief) calling for suburbs to be white.
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