So many people in Team Poly are confusing the right to an opinion with subject matter expertise. Call people elitist all you want, but if you "haven't done the reading," you haven't done the reading. That's not being elitist, it's being real. Don't talk on what you don't know.
And doing the reading isn't just watching Youtube videos uncritically, it's reading widely, judging the validity of sources by checking facts, logic, and interrogating the political positioning & context of the author/creator.
So many regress straight to the "you're being elitist" let me ask you this, do you think that you could play better than a rugby player you shout at on TV for being kaea? No, because you never trained to be a professional athlete, so don't shit on our academics so easily either.
This doesn't mean you can't question, it just means that when you do, there's an assumption that you've done the necessary work to engage respectfully, properly and intellectually - you don't need a degree for that, we all get that. But the things ya'll are pedalling, HARMFUL
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