Day 2 of why diversity in Media matters and why “Narrative Punditry” that leads to “Narrative Journalism” can be disingenuous.. @jmartNYT on @CNN @OutFrontCNN said that by tomorrow no one will be talking about the VP pick bc the Pandemic is so consuming and the Media will be
covering the stalled negotiations on the Pandemic relief bill.
1. The media to this day has barely covered the lack of the Senate not having a bill so how the hell can the Dems negotiate if nothing is on the table. This is an excuse to cover The Trump show.
2. Who is the
The no one that won’t be talking about The VP pick bc in my World it’s all everyone is talking about. I’ve talked to friends and family that are Members of The Devine 9, that went to @HU_MSA and other HBCU’s
I’ve talked to older people that want to do everything they can to protect and support her. My phone has blown more in the past two days than at anytime during this Presidential Election, and they are talking about the Pandemic
3. There are some in the Media that love The Trump
show, they won’t walk away from it and they find ways to dismiss the Historical significance of this pick, and in doing so dismiss those very Peoples experiences.
I’ll never forget that it was Martin on this Forum that put out a taunt Tweet about Trump towards @BarackObama that
said something to the affect of I bet he’ll think twice about making fun of him again. In reference to Obama clowning The Birther at the WHCA Dinner.
Sometimes people in the Media reveal themselves
@sunny @maddow @andersoncooper @JoyAnnReid @chrislhayes @WesleyLowery @donlemon
@rolandsmartin @CharlesMBlow @Lawrence @wolfblitzer @ChrisCuomo @MarthaRaddatz @GStephanopoulos @LesterHoltNBC
In giving his narrative he tells the Trump Campaign to paint Harris as a far left Candidate. Did he mention once that Trump welcomed the QANon Candidate yesterday?
@GloriaBorger @DavidChalian
@davidfrum @neeratanden
These are the very people that amplified the voice of a Private Citizen questioning the Birthplace of the First African American President. The very ones that thought Richard Spencer was interesting and the very ones who will
continue to amplify Trump’s voice once he leaves the WH, they will justify it with the same lame excuse they used for The Birther nonsense.
@brianstelter @jayrosen_nyu @Sulliview @soledadobrien
They don’t really cover Policy, they cover insider gossip, and have a penchant for Entertainment in Politics
They’d rather cover someone blathering about Toilet stools and shower heads, as 165k Americans have died. Than someone trying to follow the science and offering solutions
Nothing @AOC has ever said or offered compares to the QANON crazy, but, watch them pretend it’s comparable. It’s Orwellian...
This is exactly how Trump got unprecedented frree Media coverage in 2016, and why he’ll continue to get it.
Read this thread and then try to tell us this VP pick doesn’t mean anything. Step outside your narratives and the same people in your bubbles and perhaps you’ll find a story.
You can follow @ShanChan_37.
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