✉️ for Gemini ♊︎  Leo ♌︎  Sagittarius ♐︎ and Pisces ♓︎ :

Keeping busy has been a sure fire way to keep you feeling productive which in turn keeps you feeling good about yourself. But lately, it’s been leaving you feeling kind of empty. Keeping busy by scrolling away on
social media, bingeing shows, or even with work and making a lot of money, or going on a lot of dates - it’s all keeping you away from the most important thing you need to deal with. Yourself! I’m seeing a group of you who are starting to understand the connection between you
and your soul, what you have been truly running away from all along. You understand that you have to right some past wrongs, even if it means that those past situations or relationships can’t be fixed. You know that you have to own your part that you took in them and how to move
forward going forward. I’m seeing here a need for a new ritual in your daily practice. Your spirits would like you to incorporate something into your day to day- and commit to it for AT LEAST 7 days. Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t get to day 7 on the first try, just start
over until you get to day 7. I’m hearing here that spirit recommends yoga, dancing, taking a walk without your phone, reading a book on spiritual knowledge, or even watching informational videos about spirituality- make this something you look forward to every morning or night
(I recommend night time with candles lit. Let’s just do everything with candles lit). Your highest self has been calling to you, almost as if you are manifesting yourself and don’t even know it! I see some of you have an ex that just won’t leave you alone or at least the
memories of them haunt you. You’ve been having a hard time letting this go, but this is not because you’re meant to be with this person. It’s because this person hurt you in a different way than you’ve been hurt before and you haven’t let yourself accept this that this time ,
your heart was truly broken. Not because of cheating or abuse, your love was just not appreciated and it was as simple as that- and it’s made you a little more sentimental about this past person. It’s really time to let go. I do see this person coming back, but will they be
coming back to the same person? No, no I don’t believe so. And because of this you won’t be making the same decisions. If you have been seeing dragonflies take this as a sign that magic is truly being reawakened in you, you’re seeing that what you
provide is something that is only meant for a different type of vibration. Also be careful of people trying to lessen your worth by enticing you with sex or other material desires to sway you away from your growth! You are far too needed on this journey for you to drop the ball
over a moment that will leave you feeling hurt in just a few days again.
You can follow @luzshadowss.
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