Kamala Harris is the Vice Presidential candidate of the Democratic Party in the United States of America. The most important part of the previous sentence is "Democratic Party", which should alert the reader to a history of vacillation and surrender to the bourgeoisie.
There is no doubt that the Republican Party in the USA is a repellent hive of bigotry, with its political orientation oscillating between fascism and near-fascism, the teeth marks of an odious history on the surface. Trump is merely symptom of the rot.
The less odious faction of the US ruling class prefers the Democratic Party. It is less embarrassingly arcane in its politics, marginally less horrid in its treatment of the precious poor, but then to many people these margins are important.
The agenda of the Democratic Party is not to bring socialism to the United States or to lessen its imperialist policy, nor even to increase social democratic values in the country; the goal of the Democratic Party is to defeat Trump in the November election.
Kamala Harris should - of course - be judged by her record, but for the sole purpose of the current raison d'être of the Democratic Party (viz. to defeat Trump), Harris might just serve the purpose.
Trump is an odious person, but - again - he is not the cause of either the cannibalization of US institution, the assault on reason, or the destruction of the US economy; he is merely the most potent, the most explosive symbol possible of the collapse of US power.
A Biden-Harris presidency would replace the odiousness, the repulsive tone, the decadence of the Trump half of the bourgeoisie; it will replace it with the more sophisticated side, the well-heeled & better spoken half, a half that is as clueless as their cousins.
How is the decadent US ruling class clueless? This needs to be studied; calipers & slide rules are needed. The cluelessness comes in its incapacity to see that US primacy is over. The US ruling class sits on the branch of a rotten tree, sawing the branch as it prepares to fall.
In January 2020, you will either have President Trump - vomit - or President Biden - blah. This is the choice. Neither, however, will be able to face up to the decline of US authority, & the collapsing standard of living of US population and the collapse of US imperial projects.
You asked me, what do you think of the Kamala Harris choice? I say, at the very least her office helped me bring a Syrian friend through the Muslim Ban. Beyond that, let me ask you, when will you overthrow the bourgeoisie and build the Socialist Republic of the USA?
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