Sometimes we have interactions with people which, when they start, we think are just usual conversations which we ordinarily have with them now and again. But at the end, upon reflection, we realise that uQamata neZihlwele wanted to communicate with us.

So I have two degrees. A Bachelor of Social Sciences (majoring in Politics and Philosophy) from UCT as well as an LLB from WITS. However, i have struggled to find work since graduation in 2017 until I found an internship which is also due to end next month.
Why have I been struggling to find work? I honestly also do not know. I have asked myself this question many times without an answer. I have gotten depressed, became suicidal trying to answer this question.
I started applying even during my first degree, without success. That's what made me decide to go for a second degree hoping that things would change for the better, but they never did. All I just gained is a +- 300k education debt to my name.
I have even lost excitement of the hype behind UCT and WITS, because, I have ticked many boxes which I thought if I tick would change things. Not only for me but also for my family. From a small village in Mount Fere, I was the first in my family to get a degree.
I am not sure whether this is true, but I have witnessed many elders with degrees in my village celebrate my achievements and tell me that I was the first one in my village to graduate from UCT in record time.
I have received certificates from debating. I have received certificates from Moot at WITS. I have witnessed people who have not finished their degrees change jobs as if it's underwear and ask myself "kanti mna yintoni le endiyenza rongo?"
So I honestly also do not know why I have not been able to find a permanent job.
So recently I asked two of my friends a question. From which I needed another person's perspective to assist me characterize myself in something I am busy writing at the moment. I like to write and encourage people a lot.
This is because I always see myself as a living example of what many people are going through. The disappointment of ticking many boxes on your wish list only for like to hit you with an abracadabra that leaves hopeless and believing that you are trapped in a generational curse.
I, however, have never accept that I am trapped in a generational curse and so I always write to give strength and encourage others not to give up, but, as I also do, to give it one last try everytime they fail.
I have come accept that, firstly, whenever life knocks me down. I must never pretend to be strong and resist. I must accept and fall to the ground. However, secondly, whenever I have fallen to the ground I must always remember that I have a 'one last try card' in my back pocket.
As such, I must never make the ground upon which I have fallen my new home, but, should treat it as just a resting place for me to take a break, gather some strength, take out my 'one last try card' and get back into the game.
So I asked my friends if they think I would be a good Advocate and, if yes, why they think so. Becoming an advocate is one of the dreams I have had to temporarily suspend because doing pupillage would mean depending on my mother for a year again which she does not afford.
The answers I received went beyond the assistant I wanted from them. They went to a level of affirmation which I myself was not aware I needed. Because, walking this journey, you end up at times convincing yourself that you are strong even when your strength is your weakness.
So, upon reflection, that is when I once more came to the conclusion that the spiritual realm sometimes communicates with you through conversations which you think are just ordinary conversations. It's gives you strength when you least expect it, believing that you are strong.
I pray that uQamata neZihlwele bless everyone with such people in their lives. People who's affirmation goes beyond just saying "your time will come my friend" but reminds them of certain attributes that they have which will make them exceptional people when their time arrives.
This is what my friends had to say.
With that, I say love and light to everyone who is currently going through a storm. I wish nothing but peace, strength and honor upon you bantana begazi.
Xa ndiphahla ndiye ndicela kwizandulwa ukuba apho ndithe ndanyathela khona kukhanye. Apho ndithetha khona ndityale imbewu eyawuvelisa iziqamo zokondla imiphefumlo edandathekile. Kuthi apho ndibambha khona kuhlume, kuchume iziqamo zokondla isizwe somdabu.
Ngoko ke, yanga nale imbewu ndiyityalayo ingafika ihlume, ichume, ikunike iziqamo ezawuthi zomeleze umphefumlo mntana womgquba. Nawe uzive unethembha nokuba besele sela ndwendwela kwelabafileyo. Indlela zakho zikhanye, kufezeke iminqweno yakho ngemini efanelekileyo.
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