TONIGHT, I’m making hamburger @helper!!! And I’m gonna take you step by step! On the path to GREATNESS!!!
First you need some quality ingredients. But I only have one quality ingredient.
Next WE BROWNING BABY. Roll that beautiful browning footage. SEASON YO MEAT. Salt pep etcetera you know the vibes
It’s not done browning but I like draining when there’s too much grease regardless because I don’t want it to boil in its own grease.
Hey look we drained and added some minced garlic!! Let’s finish browning also you can taste the meat to see if you need more seasoning! Which I did.
Next we add in the seasoning pack(I only ever add half of it and substitute the other half with onion powder and other shit) and noodles along with 1/2 cup of HOT WATER. The water being hot is very important.
Stir it up and make sure it’s real good and well incorporated cause the next step is gonna be fucking lit.
The recipe calls for 2 and 1/4th cup of milk. I use whole cows milk cause almond and other nut mills don’t seem to make as good of a sauce. BUT what I do is only add 1 cup in at first and let it get mixed around til boiling
Now once that’s done add in the second cup!!! And season it again. To taste.
While we waiting for it to boil, I’m getting my secret ingredient ready!!! And separating baby spinach stems from the leaves.
Add it in and stir!!!! Are you having fun yet?
Taste for seasoning and season as needed. Stir, reduce the heat and cover. Set a timer for bout 9 minutes.
We bout 5 minutes in and this bitch look astounding to me. Keep stirring occasionally so nothing sticks to the bottom. Taste for seasoning.
Once your alarm goes off....add some sour cream. I know, I know. Trust me. Add it and stir it in. Then taste for seasoning, again.
Add some freshly chopped chives and WALLAH you have some Deluxe Beef Stroganoff Hamburger @helper the JUSTIN TARNATION WAY(patent pending)
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