I did a little experiment this week. I went onto the lives and PM’ed a few activists who say they stand up for marginalized groups, and I asked them all one thing: “Are you willing to discuss ableism on your page?” Many of them didn’t respond, and the ones who did, well...
It wasn’t the response that I was hoping for. Most of them said “I’m not educated enough to speak on that” or “it doesn’t really affect me, so i don’t feel like talking about that.” I’m not dropping any @ ‘s, as this isn’t my way of calling them out, it’s their pages/platforms
And just because I follow them doesn’t mean they have to talk about something that affects me on a daily basis. But this is a constant for the disabled community. We advocate for ourselves, and no one listens. We ask others to help advocate for us, and they don’t want to.
Disabled rights is always treated as “The Leftover Activism.” Because they won’t advocate for us until everyone else is advocated for first. But we fit literally every community that needs advocating for. We’re LGBTQ, we’re trans, we’re PoC, we’re all the things that people
claim to care about. But we’re still the “Leftover” group. Even though we’re literally killed, bullied, abused, or neglected just for being ourselves. And I’m getting real sick of activists claiming they fight for equal rights, when those rights don’t seem to include everyone.
You can follow @cuckoochique.
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