Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.

I feel like this is an incredibly necessary thread because the a lot of people tend to romanticise eds so I just wanna she’d some leigh on the not so fun part of Ed’s. Let’s get into it.
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
First of all let’s talk some common side effects while you’re still suffering from an ed.
Excessive hair growth
Paranoia and mood swings
Low immune system
Those are just the basics...
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
Once your bmi lowers under 15 you become at risk for sudden cardiac arrest
This doesn’t just occur in people who’s bmi has dropped that low but it can also affect anyone who has undergone rapid weight loss
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Organ failure. Your body can no longer keep your organs running so they start to shut down. Either that or your body will literally eat away at them. There has literally been cases where-
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Those suffering from anorexia have had their stomachs fucking rip open after binge eating.
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
Depending on when an eating disorder begins (age wise) you could literally stump your development. I’m talking restricted growth, infertility and ineffective vital organs
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
Let’s talk recovery. It is not uncommon for those in treatment to develop refeeeding syndrome. This can literally kill you. Your body becomes overwhelmed but the sudden influx of nutrients etc and it shuts down
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
There’s a common misconception that doctors can just force feed and everything will be okay. That’s a lie. You lower your life expectancy dramatically depending on the severity of your ed.
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
Recovery is almost worse than the ed in my opinion. Recovery comes hand in hand with anxiety and depression. In most cases the help you are being provided is taken away the moment
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You begin to look better. Just because the weight is back doesn’t mean you are recovered.
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
Long term side effects of Ed’s.
My teeth are yellow, they chip at the print with very little force. You cannot hide an ed from a dentist because purging leaves unique erosion patterns
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You will literally never be able to unmemorise the calories in foods
An eating disorder never truly goes away. It lies dormant. Relapsed and triggered are extremely common and
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Extremely painful. Triggers are unpredictable and unavoidable. It can vary from someone skinny walking down the street to not fitting in your jeans.
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
It is not uncommon to get nightmares about weight gain. During stressful situations you become incrediblt self destructive and will seek out ways to trigger yourself into a relapse
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Case and point. Last month I fell into a relapse. I dropped 10 lbs rapidly, set up an ed twt paige and I have several hundred followers. The worst part about it all is that a lot of people on-
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
Ed twt are actually incredibly supportive and will push you towards recovery. Ed’s are not born from a place of finding fat people unappealing they are born from a place of self hatred. You don’t want-
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
Other people to have an ed because you KNOW it is wrong. You want to save everyone but yourself.
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
It has been two years since the beginning of me ED and it has taken me a year to build my relationship back up with loved ones. During an ed you lash out at those close to you
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And intentionally push them away. During recovery you start to become angry. You hate everyone around you for not helping you. For letting you get to this point.
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues suicidal thoughts.
While in recovery there are multiple days you would literally rather die than keep fighting. You are stuck in limbo. You don’t want to starve anymore but you can’t keep fighting.
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
The main reason I pushed through my ed and forced myself into recovery is because I become incredibly ill with mine and was on constant antibiotics until the point I collapsed-
In my bathroom in the middle of the night after my body rejected all food, after I crawled down the hallways because I could t feel my legs. After I woke up several hours later and knew the list thought I had ringing in my head was that I thought I was gonna die
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
I thought a meme bet of my family would have to find me dead and that scared me. I wanted to live so badly but I didn’t know how anymore.
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
I was lucky enough that I got a warning sign. I was lucky enough that I can live a relatively normal life. So many are not. Before you sit and like ed pov tiktoks
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Or retweet videos of your idols passing out to impressionable young audiences without raising the fact that it is DANGEROUS just understand that your actions have a-
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
Knock on effect
Tw // eating disorder , food , weight loss , health issues.
I’d also like to make it crystal clear that Ed’s are not a form of attention seeking. People who suffer from them are literally depriving their body of the most basi FB human instinct to survive.
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