I’m hearing the same things. In my own denomination, we are already short on clergy (specifically under 45). This will almost assuredly create a crisis of leadership. https://twitter.com/natepyle79/status/1293186197569671175
Compounding the problem is growing militant factions who're unwilling to compromise and instead, react violently to those they disagree with. We weaponize our theology, flatten the Bible into the shape of a sword by which we can dominate our enemies.
And, not only will pastors leave, those who should be entering into vocational ministry are doing so in a time when pastors/leaders are all in submitting/defending a president who goes against everything we claim to believe as Xian's. A hypocrisy which is indefensible.
The Church will continue. It'll move forward in beauty and love until Christ returns. I've bet my life on it. But we are in a time of reckoning and oh boy is it going to be painful for those who remain (and for those who leave). Christ have mercy.
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