Hey you! How are you doing?

How are you REALLY doing? Emotions are complex, and somedays we feel them all at once or not at all. That’s okay. What matters is that you know how to tend to them and where to channel them in a way that is best for you. This thread has some ideas:
1. Sit with them. You don’t always have to be DOING. Especially right now. It’s okay to let yourself feel, and have that be your action for the day.
2. Learn to talk through them with someone. Maybe that's a therapist, maybe it's a friend. Confidential support is always available through Kid's Help Phone. Just text 686868.
3. Let them fuel you to make change. Tweet, do an educational Instagram Live, get in touch with a community leader, whatever you prefer. Start a constructive conversation, and watch the ripples happen. Conversations build community, and communities are powerful.
What are some ways that you process and channel your emotions? Let us know in this thread. You never know who your words might help.
You can follow @jackdotorg.
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