1/ So... many talk of the switch in the parties, many feel that the RNC Switched from being the party of abolition & DNC switched from being the party of slavery. I'm going to explain this fallacy it in a way a little different, than others have, so please bear with me.
2/ The civil rights act made black ppl dependent on the government. So when it came time to vote candidates of the DNC played to this dependency, The RNC was opposed to victim mentality, big gov & gov dependence so they fought against it.

This resulted in black
3/ VOTERS Switching parties, as the promises of the left were now needed for those made dependent upon them. The RNC held true to their beliefs, true to THEIR reason for including ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, in the Declaration of Independence, to their beliefs
4/ that had them fight their brothers in the Civil war to free the slaves, and saw 300k+ die in that noble pursuit, their beliefs that were one of the reasons we fought England for our independence. The Dems wanted the King, they wanted gun confiscation, they
5/ wanted slavery, they wanted white superiority, and they still do, they just enslave with the silk glove, and blame their inability to expand the welfare state on the republicans. It wasn't the RNC flippin the script and becoming racist overnight, nor was it the DNC
6/ becoming non racist overnight. It was the black voters that abandoned the RNC for the handouts promised by the DNC, who put black voters in a position of dependency on the DNC. And that was the switch.

The RNC(minus the RINOS) still believe that All
7/ Men Are Created Equal, That a man should be independent by nature and of big government intrusions into their personal lives, in low or no taxes, at all, Equal justice, fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility, God, and a pursuit of freedom, prosperity
8/ and Happiness, for all that WORK to attain it. The Dems don't believe in any of that, none of it.
which do you want to be seen as?

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