People that try to blow up transnational solidarity between communities facing systemic state violence and oppression are *extremely suspicious*.

Ofc movements have their own history, context, causes, should not be conflated, etc.
Some are fighting settler colonialism, racism, sexism, capitalism, sectarianism, caste, corruption, authoritarianism, environmental degradation, imperialism - or some combination of these things
When these communities are not allowed to listen and talk to one another and are instead caricatured, slandered, and siloed, they are left on an island with no power to resist their oppressors except by begging other oppressors with power for help.
Rather we need to parse out similarities, differences, tactics, common global systems of power, hegemony, and resource distribution that create the injustices that we see on the ground. How the hell are we gonna do that if we keep reifying the bordered practices of nation-states?
Another way to think of it is posing the question: who benefits from dividing and conquering? Who benefits when we are unable to hold space for one another, to share resources with one another, to show up for one another even when our causes are different?
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