I believe there are 5 moments in our lives that we will always remember and will forever change us. One of these 5 moments occurred for me two months ago. I haven’t been able to talk about this until now, but hopefully this will inspire You and give you Faith.
Two months ago, my 21 year old son Nicholas died of congestive heart failure. Nick was born with severe heart defects and immune system problems; and after a ventilator accident at age two, Nick suffered from severe brain damage. He never talked, walked, ate, was able to use...
his arms or perform any activities of daily living without assistance. But Nick my Hero could sure generate Love. After Nicholas died in my arms—he only weighed 40 pounds due to his hypertrophic right heart—-night before Memorial day, I was crushed. When we discovered that
Nick’s funeral and burial were delayed due to Covid-19 and the Memorial day weekend, my 17-year-old daughter suggested we have a “Celebration of Life” at the local beach where we often took Nick because he loved the ocean air, hearing other kids playing and laughing and perhaps
a local guitar player jamming at the covered pavilion overlooking the beach. With the funeral put off, six or seven family members went to the beach on a late Saturday afternoon and sat on the beach sharing stories about Nick surrounded by a table with candles and a big
poster board full of pictures of Nick. About 15 minutes before we left, my daughter shouted “Look” and pointed to the sky. The picture below does not do justice to what we saw.
This small smiling rainbow directly above us, lasted approximately a minute and then suddenly disappeared. All of us broke out crying. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, “After death something new begins, over which all powers of the world of death have no more might”.
I wish to thank @PastorChzhead for his prayers, words and counsel to me. I am forever grateful. Am I am Truly Blessed.
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