literally just because it’s so insanely popular. meaning:

- more users to possibly have complaints
- more moderation staff to enforce TOS
- more pressure from banking & legal compliance
- more active gov/partner oversight in more localities

all increase reports of issues
for example, they were forced to move banking partners which caused bugs. they are now getting more oversight from third parties like cards/banking. they have more staff to handle issues and are now directly targeted by NGOs demanding compliance with anti trafficking stuff.
they have plenty of issues but i’m not sure people really understand how much scale impacts them all. running messaging at scale is much harder. payments at scale is much harder. moderation at scale is much harder. OF is over the curve so it’s safer now than a few months ago.
and when we say more popular, i’m not sure people understand exactly how much. on similar web OF is the 260th most popular site on the entire internet. JFF is spot 30,500ish and AVN is down to 34,600ish.

that doesn’t mean OF gets 100x the traffic of JFF... it means it gets more
so not only would I expect 100 times the amount of negative reports, if they were just as bad, I actually expect a lot more because they also have more moderation staff and more issues that come with running such a massively popular service that is constantly adding features.
and the thing is, I don’t get those 100x reports. I don’t even get 10x as many reports. and again, the vast majority of issues are solvable or avoidable. basically every viral OF issue thread where ppl report major money loss could have been avoided or we have recovered 🤷🏻‍♀️
believe me, if I could in good conscience recommend an alternative like JFF / AVN, I would. the unfortunate reality with feed sites is that people hunker down on one and users don't use others with the same purpose - it doesn't matter if your facebook is better if facebook exists
the reality is for the average sex worker, the exact same amount of effort into content and promotion will make them a lot less money on alternatives. test it yourself!
we hear about bugs on onlyfans a lot because a lot of people encounter the bugs, while using onlyfans daily. I report bugs LITERALLY DAILY. but a lot of that is scaling up and A LOT of it is they are adding features constantly. like co streaming just got a feature update.
the reality is that OnlyFans is the site we dreamed of when we fought to stay on Patreon. we literally wanted them to use CCBill, which OF uses. it's a way to directly support sex workers that is full featured and reasonably priced, nothing like it existed a few years ago.
I don't really care about sketchy origins, it's not the same people and that's literally like every adult company. I don't care if other platforms were first or better featured - because the bottom line is people can safely earn a lot of money short term and long term on OF.
I don't get paid nor make my core income from ANY site. a lot of people are very invested in sites they are on - this makes sense. people kicked off OF love to talk shit about it and try to get people to their site - and that makes sense too. for them.
but historically, it doesn't make sense. OF got lucky because Patreon and Tumblr died at the same time, feeding it countless creators and users at just the right moment. OF is now here to stay. For whatever reason OnlyFans became a pop culture meme, widely known and used.
other sites that fill the same function just cannot compete until something happens with OF. They will absolutely do well enough for people to make a living on them, but the existing account numbers are without comparison, it's astronomically different.
You hear about people losing OnlyFans because IT FUCKING SUCKS TO LOSE YOUR ONLYFANS. you don't hear about people losing their AVN to being an escort because honestly ppl don't make enough on there to care, and if they mess up AVN badly enough to lose it, they already lost OF.
OnlyFans, as a phenomena, has changed this industry forever, solidly for the better. It supports performers directly, offering services you couldn't get on your own sub sites. It makes it hard to pirate content and all content is uploaded by age verified performers. It's "good."
those features are shared by other sites, with their own Pros and Cons, but until those Pros become "possible to earn more money than on the mainstream platform", they will be options B and C for sex workers that haven't yet tried OF.
Really, my biggest issue with investing time in OF is the lack of an email export, then I could recommend it full heartedly because people would be able to move when they had to, like people used Patreon to generate mailing lists informing prior subs of their new OnlyFans.
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