What is asterixis?

👋Described~60 yrs ago by Adams/Foley
👋Methods:60pts w/impending hepatic coma vs controls
👋Flapping flexion/extension, best @ the🤚but happens even 2 the 👁️lids! Has intervening tremor (mini-asterixis)

Look 4 it while checking handgrip!
Why asterixis?

2⃣Ammonia? Unlikely!(fig1)
3⃣Precipitating factors? Asterixis, like HE itself, is a biomarker of badness: bleeding, infection, sedatives(Fig2)
4⃣They looked @🧠; swollen astrocytes! Particularly in the basal ganglia!(Fig3)
#livertwitter 2/4
Why asterixis part 2

A study using magnetoencephalography showed:
1⃣There is 'excessive corticomuscular motor coherence' 2⃣Diseased basal ganglia fail to select and pace the motor areas

This seems to confirm what Adams/Foley found in the brain


Asterixis can happen in non-cirrhotic patients!
1⃣Right after Adams/Foley paper, Conn found it in 🫁disease! (fig1)
2⃣Can be seen in ~9% of neurology inpatients, 1% of neurology outpatients.(Fig2)
3⃣Causes include any metabolic disturbance and meds(Figs 3-4)
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