Just stumbled across this info & I'm genuinely shocked that I've never seen anyone post it before

Apparently a JP government poll had 86.5% of its respondents say that anime & manga depictions should fall under child porn regulations

Kind of destroys the "puritan west" angle
This is from a now-inaccessible (at least via my phone googling) Asia Times article, so I am somewhat skeptical of it, just because as I said, SURELY this would've been pulled out constantly as a discourse trump card

Maybe I'm just too good at research tho & made a new discovery
Alright here's the specific phrasing and statistical breakdown, yes, this is real

The vast majority of the Japanese public believes sexually explicit artwork of minors SHOULD be regulated under Japan's existing child pornography laws: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-10-25/japanese-poll-87-percent-accept-manga-child-porn-regulation
It is somewhat funny that ppl simultaneously hold up Japan as an untouched Eden of pre-sjw traditional conservatism but then also expected that country to just be totally cool w/ explicit pornographic depictions of 11 yr olds getting blasted by tentacles

Like, those do not match
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