since this motherfucker can't take a hint, it's time to do this again. Let's talk about Drakestopher for a minute, because he thinks he can start this whole thing up again...THROUGH HIS GIRLFRIEND. You can claim all you want he isn't making you do this and such, we all know he is
you can say "He's not making me do anything". Manipulation is a way to make people do things, whether you realize you're being manipulated or not. Now, I don't understand how anyone can support him anymore and claim "THE STORIES ALL CHANGED! THEY CHANGED THE FACTS!"
None of the stories have changed, and not only that he is ONLY focusing on ONE in general; his ex. His roommates spoke up and talked about how they were manipulated by him, no response. Other people have talked about how shitty has was to people. NO response. He's ONLY focused
on his ex WHO has a solid story (solid in the fact that it HAS facts and dates and such) AND people who will attest to her story. HOW could you possibly deny such things in your face and say "Nah dude, he's completely innocent. Show me facts" LIKE, THEY HAVE, HELLO?
if you're SERIOUSLY about to say "I support anyone who's a victim, but I don't believe anything you say because it's about a guy on the internet who I watch" fuck off and go fuck yourself. You want more proof of guilt? They deleted ANY comment that was anything negative
or disproving. People I have talked to said "Yep, I posted on his video calling him out and he deleted my comment". Even HIS GIRLFRIEND deleted comments on her video in which she called her parents "Emotionally abusive" including her brother who said otherwise. Proof? Here
Like, how FUCKING LOW do you have to sink to drag your own PARENTS through the mud because you are looking for any excuse to make your boyfriend look good? Fucking have some self respect. I'm disgusted I even modded for this guy. Like, when this whole thing came out
He came running to his mods and said "My ex is speaking out against me and I need you guys to know you can't trust her and none of it is true" I knew nothing about her really at the time and just was like "Ok" because he basically banned any talk about her at all. Makes sense now
The funniest thing is he came in the next day and was like "GUYS I HAVE PROOF! I CAN PROVE IT'S ALL FALSE!" within a few hours, his discord was gone. No word to anyone really it was just, poof gone. Then he made a video, but it "Didn't come out how I wanted it to" so you know...
Little while later, "I'm taking a break from social media" and just about entirely disappeared. Definitely something an innocent person does. Like seriously, how can ANYONE overlook ALL THAT and still say "No, this guy is 100%, without a doubt, completely innocent" dude has facts
stacked so high against him you wouldn't even believe it. I'm just blown away at those of you who are looking at his ex's story, the fact that he's not even touching any other story except hers, and the fact he DISAPPEARED are still like "Nope, completely innocent"
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