It seems to me the point of voting democratic in the 2020 election is to give us at the margins a fighting chance at making this world livable for us.
The 45 administration stole our chances to create a just and livable world and is actively killing Black people, queer people, and all non white male people to one degree or another.
I have no faith in BidenHarris to create just and livable worlds for marginalized Black people. That is not their job. Their job is to move to the will of the people and my people will vote AND raise hell just as we have since we have been able to.
Vote BidenHarris and give them hell until this world is livable for marginalized Black people.
We give them hell because the center never holds. Change has always and will always come from the margins, so it's all praxis from here on out, starting with supporting people the centers have failed.
I'll update this thread with people and communities who need your support in the form of cash, retweets, and amplification. Please do what you can.
You can follow @anndaramola.
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