Earth Signs 🌍 (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): There could be some disharmony or tension in your close relationships right now due to unnecessary defensiveness. It’s time to handle your connections with more care and try to approach others with compassion instead of irritation.
Defensive energy often stems from fear and feeling the need to be overly protective of our own emotions. There’s an opportunity for growth through this. Feeling vulnerable is not a negative thing. You don’t need to have your guard up 24/7.
Letting go of the need to prove you’re right or always be correct through every situation will help to improve your connections tenfold. Allow yourself to think clearly and calmly before reacting harshly. Especially if there’s no obvious threat.
You have the power to heal your connections now. Sometimes the things that disrupt & drive you crazy about another is highlighting something about yourself that’s imbalanced. The frustrations towards others mirror what is hard to face within ourselves.
It’s always easier to blame the other person, but take a look within today. You don’t have control over them but you have control over you and your reactions. Work with that. Allow yourself to be more open and vulnerable. Acceptance of yourself = Acceptance of others ❤️
Lovers rx, king of cups, 7 of wands rx, page of swords rx

I was waiting in the airport and decided to pull some cards lol.
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