
The story of Adam & Eve (regardless of which Abrahamic religion you follow) plays out like a literal scripted scene.

The more you research into it, the more you realize how many questionable loop holes exist in the story & the timeline of it.

Allow me to explain.
Satan was one of God's most loyal subjects.

In the Bible, he was a angel who became a fallen angel.

However, in the Quran, he's from the "Jinn" species who have free will (like humans do), that live on earth but his piety elevated him to live in the heavens among the angels.
God eventually creates Adam the first Human & asks all entities in heaven to kneel before Adam

The Angels do, but satan does not. Claiming he is superior to Adam in terms of physical creation among other things

Satan directly disobeys God to his face. Something to take note of
The fact that Satan was able to have the balls to actually disobey God RIGHT TO HIS FACE is questionable.

Who would even have the courage and audacity?

In satan's defense, its like working at a job for 40 years and some new kid comes along & gets the management position.
God curses satan for eternity and bans him from heaven, but before satan leaves, he declares that he will follow & tempt humans until the last day to prove that humans can be just as disobedient and disloyal.

God accepts the challenge, hence why satan never died yet.
Now here's a problem this story so far:

1. How did satan even have the guts to debate with God?

2. How did satan know he would have the opportunity to even tempt humans - if Adam was still in heaven and not kicked out yet for eating the apple?

Let's move on
So now that Satan is casted out of Heaven.

About 40 years pass while Adam has been chilling in heaven. Adam feels lonely, and notices that the animals in heaven are in pairs. (male and female)

God see's his loneliness & puts him to sleep and creates Eve out of adam's Rib
This is interesting because it basically states that God did "surgery" on Adam.

Him being asleep is like going under anesthesia.

And the reason for the rib for eve is because scientists even today use DNA from the rib for cloning purposes.

Interesting isnt it?

Adam wakes up and see's Eve next to him and they fall in love.

God suddenly comes out of no where & tells adam and eve NOT to eat from a specific tree. Doesnt give a reason

Satan conveniently comes back to tempt them to eat from it, which they do together.
Now here's another problem in the story:

1. Why did God suddenly tell them not to eat from this tree?

2. How the hell did satan get back in heaven to tempt adam & eve to eat from the tree? Wasnt he casted out?

Adam and Eve then get sent down to earth as punishment.

But look at the timing of how this plays out. I swear it's almost as if God planned all of this and asked Satan to partake in the plot.
Even in the Quran, there's a verse where Angel Gabriel asks:

"Why would you create *another* species with free will? Look at what the Jinns did, they all created war with each other"

God replied "I know which you do not know. Humans will be tested the same way"
Indicating that it was ALWAYS God's plan to send humans down to earth, He just needed to give us some explanation or story to make it more acceptable for society to swallow.
In theory: God goes to satan and says "Look, im creating a new species and i need to test them, so im gonna need you to be the big bad guy for me alright"?

And satan is like "yea sure" Since he's one of the most loyal subjects, he would never decline.
There's also another passage in the bible and the quran where God says:

On the day of judgement, Humans will not take blame for their sins, and blame it on satan instead

Satan will turn and reply "Who told you to listen to me? You have your own free will. You made your choices"
So to end it off, my question here is:

Did I discover the big plot twist that satan is a double agent low key working for God?

Whether the religious story is true or not, i find it very interesting to poke holes into and analyze
P.S - It's stated that Adam & Eve were dropped in the Middle East, aka, the "cradle of civilization"

And even till today, the middle east is the most fought over land location in the entire world throughout history

Every ruler/government wants it

No such thing as coincidences.
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