Ooh are we doing numbers?

Cyberfrog 2 has sold ~18k copies over the last five months, or about 3,600 copies/month.

The ~7,700 backers who bought comics (not toys or art) bought an average of 2.4 copies each at ~$48/copy after shipping. That's $115/backer for a 48 page comic.
CF2 has 25 backer tiers, but only 11 of them include a comic, and only FOUR are a single copy of the comic or ashcan. The rest are toys, art, bulk copies, bundles etc.

If we isolate to people just buying a $25 copy of CF2 like EVS mentions here? 2,200 copies sold. Total.
And that "$25 copy" total graciously includes all variant covers (the Jae Lee variant outsold Ethan's covers by 300+ units) plus buyers of a two-copy bundle for both EVS variants. Given the audience, it's highly likely those 2,200 copies sold to far fewer individual fans.
Considering that EVS/CG whine endlessly that comics sales figures include copies sold to shops as opposed to copies put in the hands of readers and fans, it only makes sense to exclude from his figures these bulk orders that are clearly going to eBay prospectors or stores.
The $1,058,052 total of the CF2 IGG is actually $817,320 if you take out shipping and charitable donations. Here's how the full total breaks down.
And here's the breakdown of how many of those ~18k copies were sold as stand-alone individual copies (like the comichron charts) as opposed to bundles or bulk orders we can assume are from shops or prospectors.

Don't forget to divide by 5 for monthly numbers!
So you tell me...is comicsgate the future of the comic industry? Or is it a right-wing MLM following the same model that nearly speculated the industry to death in the early 90s?
And before anyone jumps in to call me "obsessed", data crunching is what I do for a living and it took me less time to make this thread than the amount of time EVS will spend crying about it on YouTube tonight. So😛
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