It's coming.
They will mandate vax via edu, work, travel, stores, etc. Sure, you can avoid getting the jab if you agree to stay home forever... potentially. Gov doesn't have to mandate anything if they govern via every institution.
GA colleges are mandating & enforcing masks. If not worn, or not worn properly: subject to "peer communicators", being escorted off campus, and potential "disciplinary action" (whatever that means!).

No hard data proof of medical necessity or severity of crisis to justify this.
They are for now testing students who don't even have any symptoms.... voluntarily, but the language sounded like they could mandate testing at any time.
They definitely made testing sound like a good idea... free...

I fully expect them to push the vaccine, & perhaps require it
Since attending a campus that looks like an Islamic institute and feels like a communist compound (AND "loyalty with" terrorist groups- "protesters"), doesn't feel safe for my daughters, they will not attend this year.
Son is on the fence.

So- this sets our family's plans back.
One daughter has a 4.0, STEM, 1 semester shy of graduating. Seeing what she can accomplish online.
Other was to be freshman nursing major, will defer. Earned academic scholarship, high test scores, rigorous interviews, was excited to go
Both worked very hard to earn their place.
I may delete this thread.
Usually someone says something that irritates me to the core when I share about my family.
So, it's for your info to see that what the colleges are doing is causing some high achieving students to withdraw. And it affects the whole family....
and nation...
one of mine is doing research.
The one who is deferring wants to be a nurse.
These are jobs the nation needs good solid dependable people to fill.
We shouldn't be making colleges unsafe to attend, and student health leveraged.

/end thread/
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