I’ve been a mom for 12 years & in that time I have seen so many divisive issues pit parent against parent. It starts with prenatal testing, the choice to have a midwife or a doctor, then breastfeeding vs formula, then cloth diapers or disposable, then to vaccinate or not /1
Then staying home or working, then daycare or specialized programs like Waldorf or Montessori, then public or private education, if public French Immersion or not. It’s exhausting. And choices are rooted in individual beliefs but also what is possible /2
What is possible for some families isn’t for others for a wide variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are personal, some are societal, some are unavoidable systemic issues. Whatever the reasons, there are some quick to judge or disparage. /3
I am asking that #BackToSchool2020 doesn’t become another one of those polarizing issues for parents. I am reading tweet after tweet that say things like “keeping kids home is only choice to keep them safe”. I want to be clear: not everyone can do that. /4
No one has to justify their decision b/c not all decisions involve an actual choice. Having choice is a privilege. ALL parents want what’s best for their children & all parents will be looking at the school year to come and weighing what, if any, options they may have. /5
As families move into September with fear, anxiety, trepidation, be kind. Leave the judgement aside. We are all doing the best we can. And no matter whether your kids are home or back at school continue to advocate for a #SafeSeptemberON for all kids. /6
You can follow @JL_Laurie.
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