THREAD: People wonder why they can't find square-footage steel building prices online.

I priced these two this morning:

1. 40 x 60 x 18 - $30,958.00 - $12.89 psqf
2. 40 x 60 x 18 - $44,124.00 - $18.39 psqf

Not only the same square footage, but EXACTLY the same cubic footage...
These buildings are NOT the biggest variances I've seen.

- I've priced 40 x 60 steel buildings at $20,000.00.

- I've ALSO priced a 40 x 60 at $60,000.00.

Square Footage Prices for THESE?

From $8.33 to $25.00

So, JUST IN CASE you weren't SURE...
...Steel buildings vary GREATLY in price, depending on MANY factors.

So, if you want square-footage pricing, I'm hoping this thread explains why that is NOT POSSIBLE to give ANYONE, EVER.

So, head over to the free quote request link, & send us a request for a quote...
...we'll get the BEST steel building company in your local area, to give you a call, and give you the best pricing available for YOUR building, in YOUR location.

That's it!!
You can follow @bidquoter.
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