Stop acara kesehatan jiwa remaja isinya ngomongin masalah gadget, "seks bebas", dan napza dengan penekanan ke degradasi moral dari panelis yang udah emak-bapak-kakek-nenek semua.
"Nothing about us without us!"

Iya, professional/research experts itu penting banget koq. Tapi kalo isinya dah gak relevan sama jaman, moralis, dan patronizing org muda doank yah buat apa didengerin. Itu gunanya "expert by lived experience". Orang muda yg punya pengalaman hidup.
So, since this thread about youth mental health blows up, here I share this amazing opportunity to be a youth advisor in mental health priority area at Wellcome Trust! This is where YOUR VOICE & LIVED EXPERIENCES matter! Just click & apply to join us!
You can follow @bennysiauw89.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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