From @CharlieAngusNDP
I'm back in Ottawa for a new round of hearings on the WE scandal. As Canada grapples with the insider connections between WE, the Prime Minister & Bill Morneau, we look to a nightmare south of the border. American society seems to be coming apart. 1/
The news out of Portland has been shocking. The escalating rates of COVID present a dystopian nightmare.
I am not surprised that American journalists can't seem to get their heads around our national scandal. 2/
I have done a couple of interviews with American media outlets, and I can tell that they think we're either nuts or terribly quaint.
Here's what I tell them: The reason we don't have a Donald Trump in Canada is that we have the rule of law in Canada. 3/
We have campaign finance laws that stop the spread of dark money, & we have the Elections Canada Act that protects the right of everyone to vote. We have the Conflict of Interest Act & the Lobbying Code that limits the ability of the powerful to help out their friends. 4/
And we expect those in power to follow the rules.

The day we shrug and say it is okay to let such laws be bent or broken is the day we begin our slide into the political bedlam that is the United States. 5/
So yes, I will take our scandal over the multitude of scandals south of the border. In taking on this scandal, my focus remains on getting Ottawa cleaned up. We need our government to be working to improve the lives of people being hammered by economic and social uncertainty. 6/
Regardless of political affiliation, we must be able to trust that there are checks and balances in place to keep the interests of the common good ahead of the interests of the well connected.

That's my summer project.
We're in this together.
Charlie 7.
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