The Hobbit Actors and Actresses in Other Media: a thread!
Same thing as last time, but I’ll be excluding this who appeared in LotR and the Hobbit. And two dwarfs who haven’t been in anything else I’ve seen lol.
Martin Freema:
Bilbo Baggins and Dr. John Watson (Sherlock)
Richard Armitage:
Thorin Oakenshield and Hienz Kruger (Captain America: The First Avenger)
Ken Stott:
Balin and Trufflehunter (The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian)
Graham McTavish:
Dwalin and Lazarevic (Uncharted 2: Among Thieves)
Dean O’Gormon:
Fili and Kirk Douglas (Trumbo)
Aidan Turner:
Kili and Ross Poldark (Poldark)
James Nesbitt:
Bofur and Jack (The Way)
John Callen:
Oin and Sonimax (Power Rangers Jungle Fury)
Jed Brophy:
Nori and James Hope (District 9)
Mark Hadlow:
Dori and Harry (King Kong)
Adam Brown:
Ori and Cremble (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Sylvester McCoy:
Radagast and the Seventh Doctor (Doctor Who)
Barry Humphries:
The Great Goblin and Bruce (Finding Nemo)
Manu Bennett:
Azog and Slade Wilson (Arrow)
Lee Pace:
Thranduil and Ronan (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Evangeline Lily:
Tauriel amd Hope Van Dyne/The Wasp (Ant-Man)
Yes this is my favorite Tauriel pic, why do you ask?
Luke Evans:
Bard and Gaston (the Beauty and the Beast)
Stephen Fry:
The Master of Lake-Town and Mycroft Holmes (Sherlock Holmes: A Game og Shadows)
Ryan Gage:
Alfrid and Micolash (Bloodborne)
Benedict Cumberbatch:
Smaug, Sherlock (Sherlock) and Khan (Star Trek: Into Darkness)
End of thread! These were a lot of fun to put together and I hope you enjoy it!
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