I realize now that there is a whole swath of people who have given up on the work of liberation. They are suicidal and homicidal. The drive to survive has left them, wholly. These are the folks who, in jest, equate each choice as essentially the same. Unfollow me if this is you.
I don't fuck with the cynical shit that's doing the work of the bots for them.
If you're not voting? Unfollow me.
You don't have to openly support Biden/Harris. But if you throwing out ain't shit criticisms with no constructive directives for liberation? Kiss my beautiful, exfoliated, and slim thick Black ass.
My spirit can't afford to become hopeless. Cynicism = defeatism.
If my ancestors could hold on to faith that they would be liberated from slavery, then me in my air conditioned home with internet connecting me to the whole world, with more than enough food and safety can muster up the spiritual fortitude to see this work through to the end.
And here come the "wait, google is free?" rebuttals talking about Hilary Clinton and 2016 and how voting doesn't work. UNFOLLOW ME!
Same folks who don't vote this time around are the same folks talking about how they aren't their ancestors. I bet you aren't. There is no way you would have had the mental fortitude and spiritual power to survive enslavement.
Intellectual exercises in shoulda coulda woulda clearly come from folks who either are too full of meals to realize the threat we are under, or have lost the capacity for meaningful compassion that shares the burden of survival. I don't have time for either. My work ain't for you
I'm gonna say this one time:

If you come in my mentions telling me about how voting doesn't work and how elections don't matter I AM BLOCKING YOU POST HASTE.
And if you are talking about how voting doesn't work, yet you haven't put one piece of skin in the game, no aspect of your life on the line for liberation UNFOLLOW ME! No organizing, no community engagement, no civic educating, no sacrifce? UNFOLLOW ME!
So many folks are too ignorant... too privileged to even properly gauge a threat. How could you not want to throw the kitchen sink at getting this orange orangutan out of office? HOW?!
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