Just a reminder for foIIoeers who might have missed it, I had no grandmothers. Both those women were dead of reproductive cancers years before I was born. If you had asked them what a cervix was, I’m not sure they would have understood the question, but they knew they were women.
This is a pic of my paternal GM, aged 21 circa 1911. My father was buried in a collapsed coal heading aged 19, and a WW2 veteran, but was more traumatised by her horrific, painful death from cancer, just before we got the #NHS, than either of those things. #OnlyWomenHaveACervix.
So don’t play stupid, juvenile, narcissistic fucking word games with women’s lives, OK? You just draw attention to how much you hate us. #OnlyWomenHaveACervix, and we should all attend for smear tests, even if they make us uncomfortable. Cancer doesn’t care if you like it or not.
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