You can't be a Democrat and a progressive against Trump and for the DeVos regulations gutting Title IX. Yet there is a group of supposed liberal lawyers and law professors who claim to oppose Trump on every subject EXCEPT sexual harassment and assault. To them I say, fuck you.
You are rapey. You are Trumpers. You may think you are a "liberal," you may claim to be a Democrat. You may vote for Biden/Harris. But make no mistake. You stand with the Brock Turners and Aaron Perskys of this world and against the Chanel Millers of this world.
One supposed liberal is my @Stanford colleague Bob Weisberg, who despite a troubling past defending Persky helped lead Stanford's committee that rushed implementation of Trump's Title IX regulations and created a disturbing narrow criminal-law based definition of sexual assault.
There is no requirement in the DeVos regulations, bad as they are, that there be a definition of "sodomy" - WTAF - in any school policy. There is no requirement that there be any reference to overcoming the will of the victim imported from criminal law.

In addition to being internally contradictory, often incoherent, and incorporating retrograde outmoded criminal law concepts, Bob's committee has exposed the extent of @Stanford's hostility to rape victims by its rush to embrace the DeVos/Trump agenda against Title IX.
Supposed liberals who are rushing to help Trump/DeVos gut Title IX and using the chaos of the moment to do additional harm to survivors are quislings Trumpers who will answer to history. I will be there with the receipts in case history's memory fails.
It is my hope that @Stanford students will boycott this horrendous shambolic embarrassment joke of a Title IX policy and seek other remedies. Eventually, perhaps @Stanford will get a Board of Trustees that isn't just a sack of worthless toadies.
You are all for free speech, remember? Enjoy it.
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